Prep School Readiness Year
Wednesday, 03 Mar 2021
Those who’ve experienced our Prep School Readiness year know the difference… but do you?
Statistics and experience have shown that when a child enters a school from a preparatory school-readiness program (age 4-6) they are not only well ahead of their peers in transitioning into the academic aspects of Kindergarten and their formative school years, but they feel more secure and are more prepared to integrate socially. With daily rates from $59.32* per day (preparatory fees are in-line with the government's child care subsidy), it's time to jump-start your child's education and give them the challenge that they’re craving.
*Daily rate is based on a fee adjustment of up to $5,000 per year, based on your current CCS.
Come and experience Prep first hand @ our Open Day 18 March 2021.