Teaching Creativity
Some people believe that creativity is innate and can’t be taught but not surprisingly, this notion is based on a limited understanding of what creativity is. A redefinition of creativity is required for the contemporary student in the context of an unpredictable future, a world of fast-paced development and complex problems. Schools offer valuable opportunities for students to engage with different ways of constructing knowledge as they explore multiple perspectives, learn to rely on their imagination, leverage divergent thinking, harness interpretive abilities, etc. And it makes sense that a future-driven education must promote strong links between technology and the ability to create.
In schools, creative talent can be nurtured in many ways – and yes - including with new technologies – (STEAM) – such as animated and other films, digital art making and multimedia workflows using digital tools.
There are 3 abilities that can be developed in creativity:
1. Synthetic ability – is what we typically think of as creativity. It is the ability to generate novel and interesting ideas. Often this person is a good synthetic thinker who makes connections between things that others don’t always recognise.
2. Analytic ability – is typically considered to be critical thinking ability. This person analyses and evaluates ideas.
3. Practical ability – is the ability to translate theory into practice and abstract ideas into practical accomplishments.
Creative people invent, imagine, problem-solve, create, and communicate in fresh, new ways. Every business requires creative thinkers in the form of scientists, engineers, medical researchers, technology innovators, business entrepreneurs, artists, performers, writers and illustrators, designers, inventors, educators and parents. Those with the ability to "think outside of the box" can in the right context, lead innovation and make special things happen but we have to start early if we want to develop and nurture these talents.
Every child has potential to be creative. A study of 150 biographies of eminent scientists, from Pasteur to Einstein, was conducted in the early 1990’s. It dealt with this relationship between the two sides of the brain. He found that nearly all of the great inventors and scientists were also musicians, artists, writers or poets. Galileo, was a poet and literary critic; Einstein was a passionate student of the violin; Samuel Morse, was a portrait painter, etc.
Teaching children how to be creative then, can be achieved in many ways. We can teach children to think divergently and have them explore ways to be creative. Either way, or regardless of how it is done, it will remain central to our College’s education.

Attend a webinar for parents at no charge
Our school has a membership with Parenting Ideas, one of Australia’s most trusted sources of parenting education and support. As part of this membership, all the parents in this school community can attend some fantastic webinars in 2022 at no cost. We’re pleased to let you know about an upcoming webinar.
Handling tricky friendship days
Friendships can be complex, intense and filled with unpredictable ups and downs. Even though we might wish that our kids could “just get on with it”, most need our active guidance to problem solve daily challenges.
In this webinar, Michelle Mitchell offers a set of practical guiding principles to help empower children to handle tricky friendship days.
Key learning and discussion points include:
* A trusted adult’s role in social-emotional education
* The importance of the tiny voice
* Six guiding principles to help tweens navigate tricky friendship days
* How parents can help children with the gaps in their development
* Tips for supporting extra sensitive kids
Presented by
Michelle Mitchell
Bestselling author and professional speaker
Video overview
Click this link to view the video overview: https://vimeo.com/672520857
Wednesday 2 November 2022 at 8:00pm - 9:00pm AEDT
Redeem your webinar now - it's easy
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This offer is valid until 31 December 2022. If you’re unable to make the broadcast time, just register anyway and you will get access to the recording.