Principal's Insights
Explore thought-provoking articles and updates from our principal and gain valuable insights into education and leadership.
Generate more creative solutions with...
One of my favourite podcasts is Tammy Lenski’s ‘Disagree Better’ as it has so many...
Why teachers leave the profession
Over the past few years there has been more attention given to the attrition of...
Continuous Partial Attention
I had dinner in the holidays with close friends. We arrived at the restaurant at...
What we want from our...
Recently I have re-read 2 of my favourite books: Dr Wendy Mogel’s work The Blessing...
Deindividuation at work in schools
The video footage of the Memphis Police brutalising (and ultimately killing) Tyre Nichols was horrendous...
When it comes to kids,...
I wrote this article last year and still regard it as one of the most...
A Benefit Mindset
My thanks to Ron Schwartz who shared with me this great evolution of Carol Dwek’s...
Reflections on 2022
Today’s Newsletter is devoted to some reflection which is rare for me but timely as...